
We've come a long, long way together...

Release 2.4.2 2023-10-10

  1. Updated to Spring Boot version 3.1.4
  2. Updated the settings page to Bootstrap to version 5.3.1
  3. Updated MySQL driver version to be controlled by Spring Boot
  4. Removed stork with baby on the login page

Release 2.4.1 2023-08-28

  1. Updated to Spring Boot version 3.1.3
  2. Updated Apache Commons IO to version 2.13.0
  3. Updated the index, about, api, changelog and generate pages to Bootstrap to version 5.3.1
  4. Removed some deprecated methods in Apache libraries
  5. Reinstated schuduling, so emails send again
  6. Updated configuration so that Thymeleaf does not cache templates when running in debug

Release 2.4.0 2023-08-22

  1. Updated to 2.4 to reflect the change to Spring Boot, and plan to move to Bootstap 5
  2. Fixed an issue where screenshots in changelog were not showing
  3. Fixed some path issues, causing some administration pages not to work when deployed

Release 2.3.5 Ted Edition 2023-08-21

In this release PasswordToolbox has been moved from a war run by the Tomcat Container, to a Spring Boot application. This has resulted in some big dependency jumps, including Java 17 and Tomcat 10. For the dependencies that are now managed by Spring Boot I won't be reporting going forwards.

  1. Special edition stork with baby on the login page
  2. Moved to Spring Boot version 3.1.2
  3. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 8.0.33
  4. Removed
  5. Some significant changes to project structure to adhere to Spring Boot defaults.
  6. Removed a fair amount of classes which provided functionality which is now integrated into Spring Boot
  7. Got all unit tests up and running again, although tests detecting redirects are failing for an unknow n reason

Release 2.3.4 2023-08-12

  1. Upgraded Docker, and built this version as a container.
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 4.3.30
  3. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.2.20
  4. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.9.10
  5. Upgraded Thymeleaf version 3.0.15
  6. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.14.16
  7. Updated unit tests to work with the new W3 Validator service to ensure correctness of HTML generated
  8. Fixed a bug preventing paginiation of email outbox and sent items
  9. Fixed a bug preventing display of user information in administration
  10. Improved the performance when deleting old documents associated with a user

Release 2.3.3 2018-07-18

  1. Moved some web dependencies to use Maven Webjars.
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 4.3.18
  3. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.2.7
  4. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.46
  5. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.8.11
  6. Upgraded Bootstrap to version 3.3.7
  7. Upgraded jquery.cookie to version 1.4.1

Release 2.3.2 2016-09-13

  1. Replaced Zeroclipboard with clipboard.js.
  2. Layout changes to improve the experience on tablets.
  3. Removed support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and below.
  4. Support for Microsoft Edge.

Release 2.3.1 2016-09-07

  1. Upgraded Spring to version 4.3.2
  2. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.1.3
  3. Upgraded Thymeleaf version 3.0.1
  4. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.8.2
  5. Upgraded jUnit to version 4.12 (for tests only)
  6. Upgraded Json Path to version 2.2.0 (for tests only)
  7. Upgraded Json Smart to version 2.2.1 (for tests only)
  8. Improved reporting in system administration.

Release 2.3.0 2016-06-16

The major update in the technical stack for this release is the move from Thymeleaf 2 to Thymeleaf 3. This should be a lot faster, and allows all templating (including e-mails) to be processed by Thymeleaf and therefore removing the need for Apache Velocity.

Additionally for this release PasswordToolbox has been moved to a new server with the operating system Debian Jessie. This means that it finally has proper support for Java 8 and will be supported for years to come.

  1. Improved Spring Bean handling.
  2. Removed Apache Velocity dependency as now all templating is performed by Thymeleaf.
  3. Upgraded Spring to version 4.2.6
  4. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.1.0
  5. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.39
  6. Upgraded Thymeleaf version 3.0.0
  7. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.7.4
  8. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.8.1
  9. Upgraded Zeroclipboard to version 2.2.0

Release 2.2.21 2016-02-06

  1. Added a "reveal" button. Passwords are displayed as "*"'s until the reveal button is pressed.
  2. Copy to clipboard text has been replaced with a copy to clipboard icon on fields.
  3. Added an edit icon to fields. This allows you to easily edit a field.
  4. Upgraded Bootstrap to version 3.3.6

Release 2.2.20 2016-01-02

  1. Removed Christmas snow
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 4.2.4
  3. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.38
  4. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.6.4

Release 2.2.19 2015-12-08

  1. Added Christmas snow
  2. Updated SSL certificate
  3. Upgraded Spring to version 4.2.3
  4. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.0.3
  5. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.37
  6. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.6.3

Release 2.2.18 2015-06-13

  1. Fixed internal scheduling of tasks
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 4.1.6
  3. Upgraded Spring Security to version 4.0.1
  4. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.35
  5. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.5.4
  6. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.5.4
  7. Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.3.4
  8. Updated jQuery to version 1.11.3

Release 2.2.17 2015-03-29

  1. Minor issue fixing
  2. Better handling within Spring JavaConfig

Release 2.2.16 2015-02-21

  1. Site speed improvements
  2. Better logging using Log4j version 1.2.17 and Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) version 1.7.10
  3. Completed migration from XML to Java based Spring configuration: Removed web.xml and all Spring xml based configuration
  4. Changed code to user Dates instead of longs.

Release 2.2.15 2015-01-18

  1. Added a new logo
  2. Site improvements based on Google PageSpeed Tools
  3. Upgraded to Oracle Java 8
  4. Moved to Java based Spring configuration
  5. Servlet 3.0 support removing the need for a web.xml using a ServletContainerInitializer
  6. Improved security handling of administration screens
  7. Added a message when a user logs out

Release 2.2.14 2015-01-05

  1. Improved API documentation
  2. Added generatePhonetic REST API and moved all phonetic processing to server side
  3. Improved print output
  4. Removed Christmas snow.
  5. Upgraded Spring to version 4.1.4
  6. Upgraded Thymeleaf version 2.1.4
  7. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.5.0
  8. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.5.1

Release 2.2.13 2014-12-14

  1. All documents are now validated when saved to guarantee a baseline standard
  2. The document schema has been updated to v5. Documents are automatically upgraded when next accessed
  3. Better API documentation
  4. Moved the document API to the /api/v1 URI
  5. Added new version API
  6. Added entries API
  7. Christmas snow only on landing page

Release 2.2.12 2014-12-06

  1. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.34
  2. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.4.4
  3. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.5.0
  4. Removed unused resources from the war deployment file
  5. Enhanced the password field screen to show the password phonetically
  6. Improved the look & feel of the settings page
  7. Added an option to allow users to export their passwords in JSON format
  8. Christmas snow!

Release 2.2.11 2014-11-30

  1. New SSL certificate
  2. Changes to a new, much cleaner and concise document structure
  3. Integrated Thymeleaf version 2.1.3 and converted all FreeMarker templates to Thymeleaf templates
  4. Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.3.1
  5. Upgraded Spring to version 4.1.2

Release 2.2.10 Nicholas Edition 2014-11-10

  1. Special edition stork with baby on the login page
  2. Tweaked the theme colours
  3. Integrated FreeMarker version 2.3.21 and replace all JSP for FreeMarker templates
  4. Integrated JSoup version 1.8.1 and dramatically improved integration tests by asserting state of the HTML output from controllers
  5. Enhance integration tests by submitting HTML documents to the W3C Validator service to ensure that all pages are HTML compliant for every release

Release 2.2.9 2014-10-22

  1. A new look landing page modelled around the modern scroll website look
  2. The public generate password page now remembers your last selected settings
  3. Changed the generate password API from a POST to a GET HTTP method
  4. Upgraded Spring to version 4.1.1
  5. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.33
  6. Upgraded Jooq to version 3.4.4

Release 2.2.8 2014-09-11

  1. Improved some of the look and feel of the generate page
  2. Fixed some HTML parse errors highlighted by the W3C Markup Validation Service on the changelog and password generator page. The parse errors on the password generator page prevented the Opera browser from being able to generate passwords.
  3. Added more APIs to the API page

Release 2.2.7 2014-08-30

  1. Added a new secure online password generator which can be used publicly
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 4.0.6
  3. Upgraded Spring Security to version 3.2.5
  4. Upgraded Flyway to version 2.3.1
  5. Upgraded MySQL Connector/J to version 5.1.32
  6. Upgraded Jackson to version 2.4.2
  7. A lot of code beautification behind the scenes

Release 2.2.6 2014-07-12

  1. Upgraded Spring to version 4.0.5
  2. Upgraded Spring Security to version 3.2.4
  3. Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.2.0
  4. Fixed an issue with the password strength indicator not working
  5. Moved the search bar to make it less intrusive and increase screen space
  6. Removed, which was hanging over from when PasswordToolbox ran on Google App Engine
  7. Improved caching of resources, particularly when new versions are released
  8. When entering field names or values PasswordToolbox will automatically strip any prefixed or suffixed spaces
  9. Finally fixed tests on Jenkins. There was a memory issue, which was resolved by increasing the memory to the Surefire plugin
  10. Added static code analysis tests PMD, Findbugs and Checkstyle when building under Jenkins
  11. Added useHttpOnly to help mitigate the risk of client side script accessing the protected cookie
  12. Moved all database connection pool handling to Spring, and removed it from Tomcat. This makes deployments to different environments easier and means that integration tests more closely resemble the production environment
  13. Switched to the Tomcat 7 Maven plugin
  14. Support for 1 click deploys from Jenkins to production
  15. ... and many other minor changes

Release 2.2.5 2014-06-07

  1. Added a "copy" button using Zeroclipboard 2.0.1
  2. Redirects to login when an ajax request fails. Previously it would display an error, or silently fail
  3. Added some "thank you"s to the about page

Release 2.2.4 2014-06-01

  1. Added lots more tests
  2. Minor issue fixes and enhancements

Release 2.2.3 2014-05-26

  1. Upgraded Spring to version 4.0
  2. Added email support. PasswordToolbox can now dispatch emails!
  3. Added signup verification. Users must verify their email address following signup by following a verification link emailed to the address they provided during sign up
  4. Added invite option. Using the invite option a user can invite friends or family to join the beta program
  5. Minor issue fixes

Release 2.2.2 2014-05-05

  1. Added changelog link to login page
  2. Fixed some minor display issues and HTML errors on the login page and system administration option
  3. Updated versions of MySQL Connector/J, Apache Commons Lang, Spring and Jackson
  4. Added API page and site map page
  5. Added instructions to the sign up page, and improved the password strength feedback

Release 2.2.1 2014-04-20

  1. Added jquery.cookie (1.4.0) to add some cookie handling
  2. Used cookies to remember the last logged in user, to speed up the login speed
  3. Added a user login count, to record how many times an individual user has logged in
  4. Added caching timeout to improve resource caching
  5. Minor issue fixes and enhancements within the administration area
  6. Redesign of the landing page

Release 2.2.0 2014-04-12

PasswordToolbox 2.2 introduces a new password document encryption scheme, and will focus on user interface, making PasswordToolbox as easy to use as possible. It is also the start of a wider beta program.

  1. Updated Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.1.1
  2. Updated jQuery to version 1.11.0
  3. Completed changing the way the master password is used to encrypt and decrypt the password document for more flexibility
  4. Fixed (affixed) the password content when scrolling
  5. Better handling of change master password in settings
  6. Improved system information within administration
  7. Added highlighted tabs within navbar

Release 2.1.12 2014-02-09

  1. Introduced Flyway for database migrations
  2. Changed the way the master password is used to encrypt and decrypt the password document for more flexibility

Release 2.1.11 2014-02-09

  1. Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.1.0
  2. Enhanced handling of Jackson JSON
  3. Moved System Information into its own menu option

Release 2.1.10 2014-01-29

  1. Removed all XML libraries and legacy code. All documents are stored in JSON.
  2. Small amount of tidying up

Release 2.1.9 2014-01-16

  1. Completed turning all SQL queries to be generated using Jooq
  2. Added complete test suit against DAOs
  3. Setup hashcode and equals methods on entire domain
  4. Fixed an issue where UTF-8 characters in passwords were not handled correctly

Release 2.1.8 2014-01-16

  1. Removed some more Google App Engine resources
  2. Added Jooq to generate SQL

Release 2.1.7 2014-01-13

  1. Added uptime to admin menu
  2. Fixed issue where entries could render as buttons
  3. Added more tests
  4. Memory usage in admin menu

Release 2.1.6 2014-01-11

  1. Automatically select new field when clicking "Add..."
  2. Enhanced "Add..." screen
  3. Removed lots of unused code
  4. Added administration menu

Release 2.1.5 2014-01-04

  1. Removed migration utils for Google App Engine (migration complete!)
  2. Added field level error messages in signup
  3. Better cache handling
  4. Added bigger search bar to main page
  5. Improved master password strength indicator
  6. Added translation support (although the application is still in British English for the moment)
  7. Moved the print option into settings
  8. Added first integration tests using MockMVC
  9. Better support for devices with small screens
  10. Disabled Christmas snow

Release 2.1.2 2013-12-27

  1. Removed remaining Google App Engine references
  2. Upgraded Spring to version 3.2
  3. Fixed intermittent DB connection issue which caused an error retrieving passwords
  4. Added unit tests
  5. Use of H1 instead of H2 for better SEO
  6. Fixed Spring JDBCTemplate depricated warnings
  7. Added robots.txt

Release 2.1.1 2013-12-21

  1. Extended Bootstrap 3 integration
  2. Added error messages on sign up (using Spring form backing objects)
  3. Minified JavaScript using JS Compress
  4. Changed storage from XML to JSON
  5. Added migration code so PasswordToolbox can be migrated from Google App Engine to a Tomcat/MySQL stack
  6. Fixed a problem where some UTF-8 characters were not handled correctly
  7. Added SSL support and integrated certificate (
  8. Added Bing Webmaster Tools support
  9. Added Google Webmaster Tools support
  10. Added Google Analytics support
  11. Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to version 3.0.3
  12. Removed all Google App Engine code and references
  13. Added Christmas Snow!
  14. Fixed Navbar to the top of the screen

Release 2.1.0 2013-10-09

Password Toolbox 2.1 breaks from Google Web Toolkit (GWT) in favour of Twitter Bootstrap as the frontend technology. It also continues improving the entire technology stack, including the introduction of industry standards like Apache Maven.

  1. Began to upgrade to Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.0
  2. Dependency managed, built and deployed using Apache Maven

Release 2.0.1 2013-05-11

PasswordToolbox 2.0 moves from Google App Engine to a more traditional Java technology stack, comprising of Apache Tomcat 7.0 and MySQL 5.5. This follows a review and new alignment of the backend technology stack, the aim being to migrate from Google App Engine to a VPS.

  1. A significant rewrite of the front end using JSP, Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery over GWT
  2. A significant rewrite of the back end to use Spring 3.1
  3. All messaging will use JSON rather than XML (JSON is much faster)
  4. Upgraded Google App Engine SDK to
  5. Upgraded to Java 7
  6. Stopped the search box from having focus by default to improve the experience on tablets
  7. Added HTML 5 e-mail field support

Release 1.0.2 2013-04-06

  1. Fixed an issue caused by a change to the Google App Engine which prevented writing to the database with strings over a certain size

Release 1.0.1 2012-06-10

  1. Updated PasswordToolbox to work with the new Google App Engine High Replication storage scheme, following the deprecation of the Master/Slave storage scheme

Release 1.0 2012-03-12

  1. Fixed an issue which prevented passwords from loading after a Google App Engine change (loading took over a minute and hit Google's deadline exceeded limit)
  2. Completely removed any reliance on problematic PersistenceManagerFactory (and avoided costly datanucleus initialisation)
  3. Improvements to server side logging
  4. Upgraded Google App Engine SDK to version 1.6.3
  5. Fixed an issue where password length dropdown did not populate correctly if modifying an existing password
  6. Initial look & feel improvements

Release 0.5.4 2011-12-04

  1. Fixed two issues which caused problems loading passwords if values where empty.

Release 0.5.3 2011-05-25

  1. Better Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 support (for Alex)

Release 0.5.2 2011-05-08

  1. Added official support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
  2. Prevented the same user name from being registered more than once
  3. The sign up process now requires the master password to be "strong" or "excellent"
  4. A new master password strength indicator has been added
  5. Added a new settings page
  6. Added the ability to change the master password
  7. Added the password constraints to help, in a very basic form
  8. Prevented signup codes from being used more than once
  9. Changed internal marshalling API to make it much easier to manage

Release 0.5.1 2011-04-26

  1. Optimised document loading on the server, reducing the time considerably
  2. Optimised document saving on the server
  3. Improved document file naming on the server
  4. Added "news" and "documentation" stubs to login page
  5. Improved image handling
  6. Stopped focusing the search filter when a field is selected, which Internet Explorer does not like
  7. Removed unused tag code, which will make the interface faster until it is reinstated
  8. Added a language drop down on the login page in preparation for translations

Release 0.5.0 (Alpha 1) 2011-04-18

PasswordToolbox 0.5 is the first release which is opened up to other users. This is a limited alpha software release to test the software and hosting. It uses Google Web Toolkit and runs on Google App Engine.

  1. Used appropriate Google App Engine notation to sanitise all database inputs